Behind the Scenes
I know you are going through a lot right now.
You've hit a couple of rough patches on our journey together, and sometimes, you wonder how it will all play out.
And by wonder, I mean over-think, over-predict, and over-worry.
How many scenarios do you think you've acted out so far? 10, 20, 100?
I know all that internal script writing helps you feel some control over all this, but it isn't helping you as much as you think it is.
Most of what you think about or predict may occur doesn't even happen, so you spend ALL that time acting out stressful scenes for nothing.
Our bodies can't always distinguish between real and imagined stress, so you may be causing more harm to yourself than good. Why create dark and icky scenarios that haven't even happened yet?
I know it's hard when we don't know what will happen and the outcome is clouded.
But that's where faith comes in.
Even if we can't see what's happening, we can trust that God is working it out behind the scenes.
God's light will pierce the darkness so we can see our way through.
God will repurpose the pain, disappointment, hurt, and sorrow into something for your good.
So take some big breaths and imagine God working behind the scenes, behind the clouds, and behind the dark curtain you can't see through.
He's behind you, beside you, and ahead of you.
Look - the clouds are parting - can you see those beautiful rays of light?
God is your behind-the-scenes screenwriter, and boy, oh boy, I can't wait to see how your beautiful and bright story unfolds!
Psalm 119: 105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Ephesians 5: 8
For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light [live as those who are native-born to the light].