A daily source of rediscovery and truth.
Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.
Freedom of Acceptance
The peace of God flows from acceptance, gratitude, faith, and trust.
Looking Forward
Looking forward to whatever comes our way may be the best adventure of them all.
Free to Feel and Deal
Overthinking transports us into another dimension, which isn't helping us in the here and now.
Snip Those Strings
There is peace to be found when we allow God's light in and snip the strings of control.
Foggy Faith
My faith grows as I look back and see how God lifted the fog and made a way through.
Break Free
Whatever is holding you back or wearing you down, consider giving yourself a break and taking it easy for a while.
We must be brave and face the things that hold us back to be unburdened and fly free.
Free to Serve
It is our responsibility, no, our duty, to reach back and pull others out of the ashes we have been freed from.