Journey From the Ashes

A daily source of rediscovery and truth.

Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.

Forgiven Erica Gumieny Forgiven Erica Gumieny


Jesus is risen!

We can celebrate and never forget what Jesus endured to release us from the grips of resentment, anger, and unforgiveness. 

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Forgiven Erica Gumieny Forgiven Erica Gumieny

Taking Up Space

The obsessiveness of unforgiveness distracts us from the beauty of the world around us and steals precious time from our lives.

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Forgiven Erica Gumieny Forgiven Erica Gumieny

Daily Cleaning

If we start our day with the daily cleaning of seeking forgiveness, we can feel refreshed, renewed, and strengthened to begin again.

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