When we face dire situations out of our control, we have no problem falling to our knees in desperation as we pray and seek God's divine intervention.
Then, when the storms pass, we get back up and return to our blissful entitlement.
We tend to view God as a luxury item to be used only for special occasions.
We'll be back when we need ya God.
We take so much of what is happening for granted, and only when scary things happen do we stop and cling to the things we overlook in life's "normal" moments.
The knee-dropping moments bring such raw awe and a realization that life truly depends on God, and we will pray and do anything we can to make things okay again.
The truth is, the older we get, the more these knee-dropping moments happen.
This may be why so many older people need knee replacements. Whoa. Mind-blow.
After many of these up-and-down moments, we start to catch on to something.
We slowly realize that it's better to stay on our knees in constant desperation and reliance on God.
It's just easier on our joints and our souls.
We accept that God is a requirement in our lives, and we need Him every minute of every hour of every day, not just in times of desperation.
Age brings the awareness that life is fragile and every moment is a miracle.
That raw awe begins to flow in every moment of our lives, not just in bad times.
Our pleas for God echo in the mundane and desperate times, and we adjust our awareness to feel His presence and love surrounding us, holding, loving, protecting, and redeeming us.
The good news is we don't have to wait to get old to have this awareness. Your knees will thank you, trust me.
We can choose right now to make God a requirement in our lives.
Say it with me:
If we ever need you, Lord, it's now.
And now.
And now.
Let us be in awe of all that God has done, is doing, and will do in these precious lives we have been blessed with.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Psalm 8: 3-4
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
Romans 11:36
For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.