The Assurance of God’s Enough

For today, I want you to imagine filling up with a confident certainty that everything will be alright.

It is not just a hope, but an absolute assurance - a promise.

You might feel tempted to say, "But what about this situation? I am worried and fearful; I don't trust this will all work out. I'm not sure there is enough to get this situation resolved. I really should step in and offer my stressed out support."

Our mind swirls as we try to control the people, circumstances, and outcomes.

We want to jump in the driver's seat as we don't trust that the one in control has it handled.

It's not even a lack of faith. We are in a state of denial. We don’t believe it. We squirm, worry, and pace, trying to force our way into control because, clearly someone has to figure this out.

But what if you can rest in the assurance of God's enough? What if we sit back in our seats and look out the window, enjoying the view, feeling calm and confident that everything will work out?

What if we trust that the path will smooth out despite the twists, turns, and bumps along the way? What would it feel like if we really trust that, without a doubt, things will work out?

You can choose be confident and calm, assured that God has more than enough to handle it.

Take a deep breath and unclench those hands, calm that worried fixer mind, and enjoy the ride. God’s got this!

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

Jeremiah 17:7

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.


Enough Courage


Enough Pretending