Erica Squared with Special Guest Susan Rabe

It’s April 5, 2023 and the sun is beaming in the window after a few days of rain and wind and I find myself having deep thought as I usually right around this time of year - a holy time for many of us.

This season always finds me wanting to connect more to God and course to rock out to the Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack as I ponder the journey of Jesus, For me, this is a time of reflection and refocus and the reminder to check in with my choices and life’s work. I pray that my life is bringing me closer to a purpose beyond myself and one that honors God. Always a journey, that’s for sure.

As I continue on my quest to find kindness and light in every day places, I came across this little gem in Franklin Wisconsin called the Conservancy for Healing and Heritage.

Nestled behind Ascension Wisconsin Health Center on 74th and Rawson, you’ll find this beautiful nook of nature complete with a beautiful chapel, a healing garden, gazebos, walking trails that take you through beautiful trees and toward a small picturesque lake.

This is no ordinary park or spot of nature. There’s something different here.

In the below episode of The Funny Kind, - and another Erica Squared segment with someone not called Erica, I sit down with President and CEO of the Conservancy for Healing and Heritage.

In our chat, we find out what makes this place so special and how Susan followed rays of hope to lead her there and follow a path of healing and serving others.

I hope you enjoyed this episode and I pray that the rays of hope that God is showing to you shine brighter than ever before!

If you would to learn more about the Conservancy and you can can be a part of their work, please visit their site

or follow them on Facebook here


Erica Squared with Special Guest Ali Hoffman

