Come Home

Our kids are now adults and off on their own, forging their paths in life.

I'm a jumbled bunch of emotions and often feel them simultaneously - happy, sad, excited, scared, hopeful, and worried.

I may not have my eyes on them at all times, but not a day goes by that I am not thinking of them and counting down the days until we can be together again.

My new favorite thing is having everyone back home, nestled together. In these moments, you may find me awkwardly clinging to them, staring longingly into their eyes.

I'm just so happy they are home, safe and sound.

I'd like to think this is how God is with us.

No matter how far we roam, God always welcomes us back home.

He's just so happy we have returned to Him, safe and sound.

He's been watching over us, protecting and guiding us, and now He opens the door and nearly knocks us over with the biggest hug ever.

In these moments, God embraces and reminds us how much He loves us and that we will always have a place to come home to.

No matter what.

Sometimes, the world feels uncertain, and we aren't sure of our place in it.

We perform and play our parts, and we do pretty well most days.

But some days, we want to go home, get in our comfy clothes, wrap up in a blanket, lay on the couch, and have someone care for us.

When I feel that way, I imagine God embracing and covering me in His love and an amazing blanket.

I reread scriptures or listen to songs reminding me I am loved, safe, and protected in God's loving arms.

No matter where I am, God always welcomes me back home for a good cuddle.

Wherever we go, whatever we do, or however far away we might wander, we can always come home.

God is with us, always and forever.

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

John 14:23

Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."

Psalm 121:8

You will be guarded by God himself. You will be safe when you leave your home, and safely, you will return. He will protect you now, and he'll protect you forevermore!


Shelter From the Storm


Flow of Protection