Enough Faith

There are great joys and moments of hopeful optimism on this life journey, and then, there are these other times.

These are the moments when you feel the hope inside you fading. You tell others you are fine but, deep down, you aren't sure how to get through this.

This part of the journey feels like walking on dangerously thin ice vs. a predesigned path of joy and fulfillment. Every day, you seem to hear the cracks growing beneath you as you try to traverse this challenge.

Your faith has dwindled, and if you are being honest, fear and doubt overtake your thoughts most days.

However, this dwindled speck of faith is more than enough in God's eyes, my friend.

This glimmer of faith can show you, moment by moment, how to take just one step across.

  • The ground will be solid.

  • You will get to the other side.

  • It will get brighter.

  • The helpers will come; you are never alone.

  • You are going to be OK.

Let those truths and that speckle of faith hold and guide you.

Especially in the dark, cold moments, Imagine God embracing you, warming you as you make your way. The crackling ground solidifies and you feel the brightness and hope rising.

Your faith is enough. I assure you that, even if you can't see it, you will get through to the other side!

Luke 1:37

For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible.

2 Corinthians 5:7

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.




Enough of What Matters