Flick the Tick

I take back what I said a while back; "Flick the Tick" might be my favorite title so far.

The other day, I was sitting at my desk when I felt an itch at the spot on your neck right behind your ear.

I thought it might have been a scab or something, but when I scratched and flicked it off and looked to see what it was, imagine my surprise when I discovered a tick, alive and well, crawling on my hand.

I can only liken my blood-curdling scream response to a time many years ago when I was on one of those Viking ship rides at a county fair where I was certain I would plummet to my death.

After the shock wore off, I focused my energy on bringing an end to this little blood-sucking jerk's existence. The tiny parasite was a fighter, no doubt, but my strength and persistence paid off, and in moments, his reign of terror was no more.

After a few minutes of searching the internet and contorting to look in the mirror to ensure I removed every bit of my creepy crawly companion and the wound was adequately cleaned and repaired, a thought crossed my mind.

This kind of sneaky parasitic burrowing is precisely how the devil works.

The enemy comes to attack us and tunnel its way into our minds and body without our noticing.

I find it interesting that the tick picked the spot right behind my ear to make his home because that's the exact spot where the devil would plant himself.

That way, he can whisper lies and crap to us and attempt to suck at our soul without us even realizing he's there.

So, here is the moral of the story.

Check for ticks and soul-sucking creepy crawlies and flick them off. Daily.

If you hear whispers of nasty thoughts about yourself or others, flick the tick.

If you hear whispers of defeat, shame, and condemnation, flick the tick.

If you hear whispers that you are weak and will never overcome all of this, flick the tick.

If you hear whispers telling you God will never love or forgive you, flick the dang tick.

Once that little blood-sucking bugger is gone, allow God to heal, repair, and repurpose that wound into something beautiful filled with truth and light.

And hey, if you can't contort yourself to do a full body check, ask a friend.

We can be tick flickers for each other!

James 4:7

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Deuteronomy 28:7

The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.

1 Peter 5: 8-9

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.


Enjoy The Day


Purpose Focused