Journey From the Ashes

A daily source of rediscovery and truth.

Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.

Wanted Erica Gumieny Wanted Erica Gumieny


God's love is the force you need to get you up and out.

Take one step forward—just one.

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Wanted Erica Gumieny Wanted Erica Gumieny


A narcissist hooks and brainwashes you into thinking you are unwanted, unworthy, and useless, and in the end, convinced you have lost your mind. 

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Wanted Erica Gumieny Wanted Erica Gumieny


Your esteem and worth are solid and cannot be shaken, no matter how hard you or anyone else tries to tear you down.

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Wanted Erica Gumieny Wanted Erica Gumieny


God designed you so intricately, beautifully, and uniquely.

Therefore, you are simply a divine necessity.

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Wanted Erica Gumieny Wanted Erica Gumieny


The deep hurt of rejection knots us up in ways we cannot always express as we wrestle with the questions of why this happened and point the blame inward.

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Forgiven Erica Gumieny Forgiven Erica Gumieny


Jesus is risen!

We can celebrate and never forget what Jesus endured to release us from the grips of resentment, anger, and unforgiveness. 

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