A daily source of rediscovery and truth.
Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.
The Space Between
This is where you may find yourself today - in the quiet, uncertain space between despair and joy.
They Don't Know What They Are Doing
Even when they turned Him away, mocked Him, denied Him, and betrayed Him, Jesus sacrificed everything.
For them.
For you.
For me.
For all of us.
In The Shadows
We can choose to turn back, look for the light in the darkness, and find our way back.
The Seduction of Sin
The seduction of sin is sneaky in its attempt to persuade us to disobey or go astray with promises of relief, satisfaction, power, or victory.
The Big Reveal
Let God do His big reveal for you today. Let Him show you around that newly renovated YOU!
Hidden Memories
Can you return to that memory and look at it through the lens of mercy and love instead of shame?
Divided We Fall
Love, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness can be our weapons to fight the powers that lure us into division.
Taking Up Space
The obsessiveness of unforgiveness distracts us from the beauty of the world around us and steals precious time from our lives.
Perspective of Forgiveness
Rather than blame Him and continue to host victim pity parties, I chose to find God's love and hope in my life's stories.
Daily Cleaning
If we start our day with the daily cleaning of seeking forgiveness, we can feel refreshed, renewed, and strengthened to begin again.
The Habit Of Forgiveness
Perhaps getting into the habit of forgiveness with the little things can help us with the big stuff.
Do It For Him
God has no problem with this forgiveness thing.
So what if we do it for HIM?
The Trap of Unforgiveness
Unforgiveness is a foothold trap. It's the sneakiest type of snare Satan sets for us.
What Are You Sorry For?
When other people feel discomfort or pain, it does not mean they will hurt or abandon you.