A daily source of rediscovery and truth.
Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.
Which Way Will You Go?
Being "only then" focused prevents us from being grateful for the here and now.
Ripple Effect
God's redemption can cause a ripple effect that will break the chains of dysfunction and pain.
Focus on the Lift
Let's focus on and reach for God's everlasting, never-ending, unconditional love that lifts us up to redemption and freedom.
What is Right With People
We have to show what is right with people by actively doing the good we want to see in the world.
Living a revitalized life is an incredible privilege and should never be dismissed or taken for granted.
Divine Detection
Slowing down before we act allows us to be aware of God's divine detection system.