A daily source of rediscovery and truth.
Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.
Vengeance Isn’t Mine
Somehow, you think holding back forgiveness and keeping them imprisoned in your mind is a form of righteous vengeance.
One Page at a Time
He wants us to forgive them completely. Every page torn out, and every sin forgiven.
How Can We Not?
Can we offer that same relief to them, regardless of their wrongs, and release that persistent resentment?
Oh What A Relief It Is
What a relief it is when you find out you are not the only one who does these things!
Remove The Splinter
Suddenly, you notice Jesus ahead on the path, sitting on a bench, beckoning you to join him.
Love Endures Forever
His love is with us eternally. Here, there, and everywhere. Always and forever.
Saved By a Love Punch
When all else fails, throwing that punch is the most loving thing someone can do.
Safe in Love
We are profoundly loved exactly as we are. God envelops us in His love for safekeeping.
Let Them Love You
My precious friend, please let in the light of love and accept some help.
Love's Got You Covered
God's love has you covered, my sweet human. Especially when you trip and fall and make the same mistakes again.
Love Releases
The twists and tangles of sin are part of you; you can't pretend they didn't happen or aren’t there.
Filtered Through Love
Through the filter of love, everything seems brighter, everyone seems kinder, and you are in awe as you witness all the beauty of God's technicolor creation around you.
Love Them As Is
God's goal is not to control us into submission.
He isn't taunting us with if-then promises of love. He simply loves us without condition or expectation
Sacrifice For Love
We can't be that version of ourselves and also thrive in the glorious purpose God has for us.
Love You More
God never stops loving us, even when we roll our eyes and turn away as we huff and puff, going uphill with stubborn defiance, certain we know better.
Restored in Love
We are survivors, redeemed, rescued, and restored by a mighty, unconditional love that no lies, past transgressions, or shame can take away.