A daily source of rediscovery and truth.
Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.
As we make our way on this journey from the ashes as God's bold and beloved children, I hereby declare our independence.
Each hurt, disappointment, and frustration feels more like training that has brought us closer to God and equipped us for our purpose.
Why Me Lord
Perhaps our request-filled prayers could shift to humble gratitude and trust-filled expressions of love.
God knows the critical steps necessary to prepare us for what He has planned for our lives.
Connect the Dots
Each dot in the design of our life serves a great purpose and forms a connection to create a unique, priceless, and breathtaking design.
Perhaps now is the time to loosen up and trust God to do some molding and reforming.
God's love never wavers as He continually reminds us of the lessons we need to relearn.
It Is Interesting
Trusting God is in control, I will persevere and be all the wiser for my patience and acceptance of what is.
Repurposing the Pathway
Choosing to repurpose our habit loops can create new pathways of pleasure and peace.
Purpose Blockers
God is our wise Father, standing beside us, guiding, teaching, encouraging, and supporting us while He patiently waits for us to learn, grow, and find our purpose.