A daily source of rediscovery and truth.
Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.
Despite it All
Despite our sins (present, past, or future), God deems us worthy of love, forgiveness, and multiple do-overs.
Walk in Worthiness
Focusing on who God says you are frees you from comparing and doubting, enabling you to walk in worthiness with your head held high.
Worthy Ally
To truly live, we must become our most worthy ally by defending, rescuing, and loving the deepest, darkest part of us.
Worthy of Your EAR
We spend so much time obsessing about things unworthy of our effort, attention, or respect.
Worthy of Your Time
Worthy-izing our time and attention can help us focus on what matters most to our mind, body, and soul.
Fighting for Focus
Suffering reminds us what is truly important and that life is worth fighting for.
Why Can’t I?
You, my precious friend, are a child of God and are worthy of a wonderful life.
Freedom of Acceptance
The peace of God flows from acceptance, gratitude, faith, and trust.
Looking Forward
Looking forward to whatever comes our way may be the best adventure of them all.