A daily source of rediscovery and truth.
Monthly themes and daily insights to help you get beyond the lies or fears that hold you back.
May this journey bring you to a destination of love, truth and healing.
Hopetimism is knowing there is a beautiful beginning beyond the end of the storms we face.
Feeling Forward
Stopping to acknowledge and feel my feelings gave me dignity and the freedom to move forward.
Reflecting Love
Jesus reflected God's love and forgiveness to those who didn't deserve it.
The world was and still is confounded by this.
Patiently Suffering
In life's hardest struggles and sufferings, being patient is usually part of the equation.,
Stay Close
I want, no, I NEED to stay as close to God as possible, especially when I don't need something from Him.
Tear ‘Em Down
Tearing down our walls lets the love and light in that we need to survive and thrive.
No Worries
We can trust that God's protection will equip us to handle what does happen when it happens.
We must draw a line in the sand and protect what Jesus fought so hard to save.
Scary Story
It takes discipline and mindfulness to stop ourselves from building unnecessary, hostile resentment.
Flow of Protection
If we submit to it, God's flow of protection can help, sustain, and empower us.